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Friday, September 30, 2005

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

The Brookes Headington Hill site taken from a different angle. Take note of the beautiful flowers on the lawn.

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

The arcane but beautiful site that houses the Brookes Law lecturers.

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

The stairs leading up to the lecturer's office from the reception.

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

The reception are taken from the stairs.

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

Just awesome for a staff building isn't it?

Oxford Brookes University: Law Staff Building, Headington Hill.

Extremely impressive interior.

Clive Booth Hall

Clive Booth Hall from the wash room area. The halls of residence is just so beautiful isn't? The area is lush with greenery. It's absolutely clean unlike many of our universities in Malaysia. It's also equipped with an awesome array of facilities which includes a bar, a washing room and a computer room (fully equipped to access to study materials throughout the UK).

What a show off! LOL.

Comment: Step 1 :Warming up for the crowd.

What a show off! LOL.

Comment: Step 2 : Need a lil' help from Dave to get into prime position.

What a show off! LOL.

Comment: Step 3 : The move is complete. (Author's Note: Please do not try this at home!)

In a terrible trauma.

Comment: Mr Chile in a trauma after watching a horrible video.

The Brookes Model

Comment: Rhiannon modelling a hat at Debenhams.

The Brookes Model

Comment: Rhiannon modelling my beautiful Oakleys!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cooking Scheme

My mates & I , consisting of Rhiannon, David, Curtis, Joaquin, Yukie and John have decided to undertake a cooking scheme. That would mean that each of us would cook dinner for the whole group. I cook on Tuesdays. So I guess, Tuesdays are not a very good day for the rest of the bunch b'coz I'm totally hopeless in the kitchen.

Cooking Scheme

Is it that spicy Dave?

Cooking Scheme

Emm....enjoying my laksa eh?

Cooking Scheme

Cooking with style!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Oxford Brookes University: Sports Centre

Comment: Rock climbing wall

Oxford Brookes University: Sports Centre

Comment: The Brookes Sports Shop which sells sports equipment and attire.

Oxford Brookes University: Sports Centre

Comment: Gym

Oxford Brookes University: Sports Centre

Comment: Registration Area

Oxford Brookes University: Sports Centre

Comment: The bar where you can watch sports on the television.

Oxford Brookes University: Morals Bar

Comment: Another of Brookes' Student Bars.

My cool shades.

Rhiannon modelling my shades. They r cool aren't they. Btw, my room is still messy as usual as u can see frm the background.


The V4 collection is a gallery of photos of my flatmates.

V4: Mr Ching

Comment: Mr Malaysia with a deep foray into the refrigerator.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

V4:Ms Yukie


V4:Mr Linares

Well...Florida is the Sin City of the South!!

V4:Mr Cooper

Comment: No. I don't reckon your sexier than me Curtis.

Friday, September 23, 2005

V4:Mr Massu

Mr Chile dozing off on the job.

The V2 Gals

Hi, the V2 gals collection are pictures of our mates from the appartment above us. However, it is noteworthy that they are almost our flatmates b'cos they come down to our appartment all the time to hang out and do stuff together. These gals rock!!

To the lovely Ms Rhiannon Jacobs Stroud, I'm sorry for having mistakenly spelt ur name earlier. The error was regretfull.

V2: Ms Sexy (Rhiannon Jacobs Stroud)

Comment: Ms Rhiannon having a big laugh at something.

V2: Ms Sexy (Rhiannon Jacobs Stroud)

Comment: C'mmon love, you can pose for a sexier picture than that.

V2 : Ms Bashful ( Pippa Woodhead)

V2 presents Ms Pippa Woodhead frm England.

V2 : Ms Bashful ( Pippa Woodhead)

Comment : The very shy Ms Pippa Woodhead who made it very difficult for me to get a decent picture of her.

My Appartment: 1st Friday Night

Comment: I'm so bored....what am I gonna do?

My Appartment: 1st Friday Night

Comment: Ohh....that's suppose to be sexy is it?

My Appartment: 1st Friday Night

Comment: All of us down to have a chat n perhaps a drink or 2. From left: Yukie (Japan), Cassandra (Australia) & Pippa (UK).

Team KDU @ Brookes

Comment: All the KDU students at Brookes with their lecturers.

Team KDU @ Brookes

Comment: Weng Tchung & I with our numero uno.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment:The beautiful view of the Blenheim Park from the palace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: A statue of stone, one of many actually, within the terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: The view of the Blenheim Park from the palace terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: (Speechless)

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: A pond, who probably has seen better days, within the palace terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: How can anyone afford a place like this?

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: An imposing view of the Blenheim Palace from the terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: Palace terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: A fantastic view of a truly awesome place. No wonder it is a world heritage site.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: One of the many structures in the terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: Fountain within the palace terrace.

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: The palace terrace is beautiful isn't it?

Oxford Gallery: Blenheim Palace

Comment: Palace terraces.