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Friday, March 31, 2006

Alice returns to Wonderland (Oxford)

The old Oxford Parliament. It is here that Nelson Mandela received his honourary degree.
The potrait inside the Bodleian
Bodleian Library

Bridge of Sighs
Inside the Bodleian
Love @ the Radcliffe Camera

Alice returns to Wonderland (Oxford)

Oxford from the Sky

These are pictures taken from the Tower of the University Church of St Mary.

Alice returns to Wonderland (Oxford)

One of the Oxford Uni Colleges
Uni of Oxford Botanical Garden
Radcliffe Camera
Alice @ Christ Church Cathderal
Inside Oxford Uni (All Souls College)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bicester Town

Looking at some Polo Ralf Laurens
Posing at the Bicester Village arch.
Having lunch after shopping. She tricked me....she hardly did any shopping and she hardly ate anything too....
Come FCUK with me
I'm here at Bicester

As part of Alice's trip here, we also went to Bicester Town to do some shopping. Who would have guessed that I ended up BUYING more stuff then she did?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Alice returns to Wonderland

It is such a pleasure that I'm fortunate enough that my girlfriend is willing to blow a significant proportion of her savings in order to come to Oxford to visit me. As you probably know, the story 'Alice in Wonderland' is a product of Oxford literature and since she is here, I hope her return to the Wonderland is as happy as can be.
I shall endeavour to make her journey here a memorable one. Our first trip together in the UK is to visit the Warwick Castle and Stratford-Upon-Avon , the town of William Shakespeare. Enjoy the pictures!
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These websites are not related to this blog in anyway.

Warwick Castle

Ever thought of owning a castle?

Warwick Castle

An imposing sight indeed

Warwick Castle

Love blossoms around old ancient castles.

Warwick Castle

This is what a soldier would probably see when he is rushing to guard the castle walls.

Warwick Castle

A view from the castle walls.

Warwick Castle

WOW...what a sight!

Warwick Castle

A picturesque view from the top of the castle walls...apparently the residents of the castle used to fish for eels in the days of old as they were considered quite a delicacy. The tour guide was quite surprised when she found out I eat eels too. From this picture you can see the mill engine and the river boat house.

Warwick Castle

Looking silly in an old helmet

Warwick Castle

Some old guns at the Castle

Warwick Castle

Some wax figures depicting the life at the castle

Warwick Castle

No prizes for who owns the Castle now...
(Well...if you really don't know...the answer is Madame Tussauds)

Warwick Castle

We were there!

Warwick Castle

The Couple @ the Castle

Warwick Castle

A view of the dining room at the castle

Warwick Castle

A knight of years gone by

Warwick Castle

Comment n/a

Warwick Castle

Taking a cuppa while enjoying the view

Warwick Castle

Some ducks near the river to the side of the castle

Warwick Castle

A solitary peacock within the Peacock Garden. Alice tried her very best to get the peacock prime for the camera.

Warwick Castle

Peacock Garden

Warwick Castle

A scenic view of the Peacock Garden.

Warwick Castle

A collection of peacocks at the Peacock Garden within the castle grounds

Warwick Castle

Wonderful view of the grounds

Warwick Castle

The weapons stored at the castle

Warwick Castle

A pair of lovely ducks at the rock garden

Warwick Castle

Rock Garden at the Castle

Monday, March 20, 2006

Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle


River Avon