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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Celebration @ Oxford

After work at Debenhams yesterday, this is what I encountered at Broad St. It seems to be some sort of celebration. At the same time, there was such parades on Cornmarket St. as well. (I thought you could only find men in kilts blowing bag-pipes in Scotland).

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Frost all over the place...looks like a white winter for me at Brookes.

Frosty grass and a very cold November.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

On the edges of sanity

Taking a rest because of a terrible migraine!! Ohh...the work load just keeps on building. I just completed my Criminal Evidence course work and I have an Advanced Legal Method coursework due on 21/11/2005. As if that isn't enough, I still have to prepare for seminars (tutorials) and get myself ready for the exams in Dec.!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

A trip to White Hart Lane

I and Azlan, who acted as my tour guide, left Oxford around 11.30am on 11/11/2005 to watch the England U-21 v France U-21 match at White Hart Lane.

Upon reaching London, we had a Malaysian lunch at Mawar Restaurant. Azlan really miss Malaysian food!

Then he brought me to take a look at Marble Arch.

He also brought me to see the BPP Law School and also the Lincoln's Inn. As a matter of fact, we even got the chance to visit LSE!

We also took a trip to Covent Market and China Town at Gerrard St before finally making our way to the stadium.

Refusing to take a train or a bus, we walk from 7 Sister's station to the stadium. An excruciating 1/2 hour walk!!!

The match finished around 9.40pm and we spent some time browsing through the Spurs Store until 10pm.

Azlan again decided not to take the bus/train resulting in another 'lovely' stroll to the 7 Sister's Station under the constant barrage of torrent wind.

WE finally got into the Oxford Tube back to OBU at 11pm. I was spent!! I only fell asleep around 2 a.m.

London: Oxford Tube

Terribly tired. A self taken pic on the Oxford Tube.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)


London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Posing in front of the England team bus.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Me posing with a spurs kit.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

The England U-21's with players such as Kieran Richardson (Man Utd), Darren Bent (Charlton), Darren Ambrose (Aston Villa), Michael Dawson and Tom Huddlestone (Spurs), Scot Carson (Liverpool), Carlton Cole (Chelsea) and Anton Ferdinand (West Ham) v. France U-21's with Anthony Le Tallec and Florent Sinama Pongolle (Liverpool), Gael Clichy (Arsenal) and Jeremy Berthrod (Marseille i think).

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Spurs logo outside the toilet.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

I'm home!!

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

The jumbotron up close.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

A beautiful stadium.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

The stadium when it was empty.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

We were very early but the seats were already being filled up. We had an attendance of 34. 500 ppl at the stadium.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Players ready for the national anthem.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

This goalie got really close to the seats.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

This goalkeeper got pretty close. Too bad the photo quality is appalling.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Goalkeeping practice.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Players training before the match.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Another free kick taken by the French. The French was definitely the more superior side of the night.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

1st half. I was treated to some free styling football as a half time show while Azlan went to get us a bite.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

A corner being taken.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

France draw first blood with Anthony Le Tallec scoring of a very poor English defence.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Taking a free kick.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

Some of the French players on display. Could not get a good picture with this camera though I was only just within a good jumping distance of the pitch.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

A bit blurr...but the score board is showing the end result. A dissapointing 1-1 draw for the 3 Lions.

London: White Hart Lane ( Eng U-21 v France U-21)

This is where the club generates profit.

London: Covent Market

A very high class 'pasar malam' with people playing a concerto and also performances done to entice large crowds. For the first time, I also saw something called 'basking' where a person stands still as a statue for a lil' of your spare change of course.

London: Covent Market

Wanna compare with the markets in Malaysia?

London: Renaissance Hotel

The London version

London: Marble Arch

Hmm...apparently behind this beautiful arch...there are a lot of said my travel guide Azlan.

London: London School of Economics

Where else better to go study law but LSE? Came here to look for Deepak...but...he decided to be a typical Malaysian and not show up for the get-together.

London: London School of Economics

Where else better to study law than LSE?

London: Lincoln's Inn

Looks awesome

London: Lincoln's Inn

Can you see me through this hopeless camera?

London: Lincoln's Inn

Around the inns.

London: Lincoln's Inn

A close up with my England jumper.

London: Lincoln's Inn

Shall I enrol to be a member of Lincoln's and join the already impressive list of Malaysia members here?

London: Lincoln's Inn


London: Lincoln's Inn

The Chapel

London: Lincoln's Inn

From the gardens

London: Lincoln's Inn

The emblem

London: Lincoln's Inn


London: Lincoln's Inn

On the way to Lincoln's Inn. Azlan is the one with the black jacket walking briskly at the front.

London: Lincoln's Inn


London: China Town

Chinese food stalls like roast duck and roast pork align the area. Yummy...too bad did not get to taste any. :(