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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

27/12/2005 - Still snowing

According to BBC (, the highest temperature today is 1 degrees C while it can reach as low as -5 degrees C. These pictures were taken at noon. As you can see, the snow are still there. As a matter of fact, the snow were still there even at 2pm.
The picture of the car was taken at Union St near to Tesco. The windscreen is still filled with snow while the rest of the car is wet from the melting snow. Amazing!!
I'm literally ice- skating (though not very well as I'm falling all over the place!!OUCH!!) everywhere. On the grass, on the hard asphalt and on the pavements as the ice make the surface sleek and slippery!!
Torrid cold weather lies ahead!! Adventure beckons!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Let it snow (Part 2)

(Can hardly do any pose worth watching!It's that cold)

(The view from my kitchen)

(Only a few minutes and it is all covered in snow)

(Why do I bother to freeze myself out there?)

Let it snow (Part 1)

(It is awfully cold)

(Frozen pathway)

(Just beginning to snow)

(It feels like granulated ice from our ice kacang)

(Snow getting heavier)

Well...looks like I'm getting a White Winter afterall!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Exams stress!!

When you are under pressure, you tend to do stupid things!! Do you realise that the keys alwiz goes missing when you're in front of your door trying to open the gates of your apartment, with a full bladder and the ringing of the phone inside? Well...crap happens to the best of us...even me!

Here are some pics at my loony state!! Enjoy at my expense!!

Friday, December 16, 2005


Well, 15th Dec 2005, was quite a shocker for me.

I had just finished my Criminal Evidence paper and took a short nap when I got woken up by a knocking on my door!!

As I cursed underneath my breath and slowly opened the door, John (my flatmate) extended his hand and offered a handshake and said :

" I'm leaving mate !! Nice knowing you."

I shook his hand...but time stopped for a moment!!!

We had plans to visit Scotland or Ireland or possibly both next week, and here he was saying that he was leaving TODAY!!

Well, it was really too bad that he could not stay longer. He felt sick and thought it would be better to follow Curtis back to the Isle of Wight and from there head to London and back to sunny jolly Florida!!

Well..John if you're reading this...hoped you enjoyed your stay in was nice knowing you too!!! I'm gonna miss the nights that you come back drunk and wake me up..LOL...


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Martyr's Memorial

Martyr's Memorial is the place where a few priests were burned a long time ago because the Queen had them jailed first and then burned to death. They were literally sacrificed in the name of God!

Martyr's Memorial : The names of the Priests who were burned to death.

Martyr's Memorial : The plague in front of the site of burning...

Martyr's Memorial : The inscription...The priests who gave their lives in the name of God.

Martyr's Memorial : This is where the Priests were burned.

Martyr's Memorial

Martyr's Memorial